It’s Not What You’re Like, It’s What You Like

Tonight we’re having dinner with a good friend from DC who also happens to be a new friend from DC. As an adult, the way you mesh with people — as far as I can tell — is by wanting to do something with them. That means that you both like the same thing.

Erik is a philosophically inclined, food appreciating, music loving, board game playing, writer that works where I work. That seems like a good fit. As such, we’ve become good friends with him, and every time we get to see him I’m inclined to do something new. Read a new book or play a new game or follow a podcast or watch Doctor Who — I’m not going to watch Doctor Who.

Anyways, we’re going to see him tonight and surely, I’ll have a new board game in mind tomorrow. This afternoon, we’re going to play something. I’m looking at the shelves of games right now and I’m torn.

Could go Agricola, or maybe San Juan. I’ve been enjoying Dominion recently and Race for the Galaxy has shown potential. Then there’s stuff we haven’t played in ages, like Alhambra and Carcassonne.

This is what weekends should look like.