Author Archives: andrewadmin

House Hunting in DC is Fun – ish

We’re looking for a house. It’s an experience, to be sure.

Today, we saw five with our excellent realtor. We liked two, and then we really liked just one. It’s in Takoma, but not Takoma Park. Regardless, it’s a fifteen minute walk to the metro and a fifteen minute walk to the farmers market. Those are both big deals.

The house has been recently renovated — read, “flipped” — but in the nicest possible way. They did, what appears to be, a great job.

We’re still mentally in love with this place in Hyattsville, but we haven’t seen it yet and the inside could be all shag carpet and rat assassins. Hopefully, we’ll see that one later this week and then see a few more in Takoma and then maybe see one more and then just that last one and then be ready to think about making an offer only to have the carpet pulled out from under us because, hey, someone already made an offer on that place.

It was surprisingly enjoyable today, and I hope that feeling keeps going. I’ll let you know.

The Premise

I realized the other day that my life has become inundated with hobbies. I do lots of things, and because I’m me, I often forget some of the other things that I should be doing. I’m hoping to change that.

The idea of this site is to show you —  the above average Joe — what I’ve been up to recently. The real idea is to remind me of the things that I should be doing, and how infrequently I’m actually doing them.

Ostensibly, there’s going to be a series of hobby types, which should cover my main concerns. In reality, this will all fall into a mishmash of hellish nightmare hashtags and hipster references.

But that’s me, and this is my life in hobbies.